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73 Seconds

73 Seconds by Shawn Dwyer The extraordinary true story of Bob Ebeling and Roger Boisjoly, the aerospace engineers who discovered the “o-ring anomaly” that led to the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster. After struggling to convince their superiors at Morton-Thiokol and NASA to investigate the anomaly, Ebeling and Boisjoly were tasked with proving it: an extremely complicated and expensive endeavor that took an emotional toll on their lives but helped bring about changes to the Shuttle Program that saved the lives of future astronauts. Agency: Verve Agents: David Boxerbaum, Sara Nestor Management: Bellevue Managers: Jeff Portnoy Producers: Adam Goodman Originally posted 2019-06-19 06:55:51. Sorry, You're not allowed to submit vote ! Total 0 Votes 0 0 Tell us how can we improve this post? Captcha: + = Verify Human or Spambot ?

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