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Screenplay Contests - STAR Consideration

Script Contests - STAR Concern

a new guide from the writers at script contests

Multiple a Milton of the scenario game will remain unwarbled because he has neglected to place emerge his story the correct proportion of "famous person sympathy."

"Movie star sympathy," you say. "Of course, I sympathize as well as the stars, especially if they have to act occured the novels I see every etc., etc."

Right or wrong, the system of featuring a superstar set in each report is though the custom, based upon the fact that placed in ninety per cent of all books written the interest centers emerge one person. Therefore follow these rules:

1) The prevalent part of your description must be a in good physical shape characterization.

2) Do not put the audience in an antagonistic frame of mind towards the star part. Make the motives of the pop idol logical. If your personality is a vampire, the audience should comprehend the services that led her to her career; if your famous person is a crook, make clear the facts that made a crook of her.

Naturally a motion picture favorite whose star is the heading pull emerge any studio, has much to say about what works of fiction are to be bought. No famous screen actor will stand for a script competitions account put in which he appears from individual five per cent of the scenes; nor will he accept a malicious character (a lounge lizard, for moral) if his specialty is idol chapters. Ended up being we to write a saga for Constance Talmadge, be sure that the interest of the audience would not lie and more than that the aged grandmother or the rejected lover, for the audience is there to see this loveable babyish high profile as the prevalent representation of the record. Sarah Bernhardt would not care to cooperate the part of a maid with single one huge line to the effect that the carriage waits.

3) Don't write a annals for Charles Ray which rates in addition to the soulless villain; don't send Charley Chaplin the big center interest chronicle, "Souls of Humanity," or dash off something for Nazimova which would necessarily call for quantity contracts with a pie factory.

Sketch Nazimova as the proprietress of a dingy bakeshop, quarreling along with the bakers plus hurling huge gooey gobs of dough right plus left. Imagine the expression of that picturesque actress plastered and more than that splotched set in the mighty plus accurate heave of the image baker, who has returned the fire. Then conjure up a sidesplitting, slapstick climax. It would hardly be becoming to that picturesque super star, and basically, we endeavor to say, she would not enjoy such a part. Certainly it would not tend build superstar sympathy.

Pictured in your mind's eye visualize about precisely how Charles Chaplin would look as the hero of a fat, tragic photodrama. Faultlessly attired in evening dress, polished that is setting in manner along with as graceful as a Greek god, Chaplin, as the devoted lover, gently woos and certainly wins the maid of his core. Does that sound logical? We believe not with are confident that you will agree as well as us.

Yet we do not nasty to discourage you from injecting the element of comedy into a tragedy or vice versa. These two essentials may be skillfully woven plus the incident that your account's value is increased. A comedy may be greatly improved by burlesquing a bit of the dramatic. A drama will have a finer authoritative charm if through it runs the thread of humor plus satire.

We call for you to write great stories. Yet we call for you to sell them also. Therefore we say:

4) Be sure your audience is stirred to genuine sympathy, throw that sympathy to the icon part, and certainly be sure that this super star part which you have setup actually suits some super star or company of stars of the new motion portrayal.